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Electronics Design and Standards Consultant

3 Bramfield Road East, RAYLEIGH, Essex, SS6 8RG, England

J. M. Woodgate B.Sc.(Eng.),C.Eng. MIET SMIEEE Life FAES Hon. FInstSCE

Tel. +44 (0)1268 747839     E-mail:




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 NEW How do amplifiers treat big signals? LINK

Featured interview on EEWeb LINK

Tutorial paper 'Introduction to current-drive audio amplifiers Rev. 1.pdf' LINK

Illustrations of 80/80 rule LINK

Barkhausen oscillations in vacuum lamps LINK

Safety testing of powered and active loudspeakers LINK

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Biographical Information

       Mr. J. M. WOODGATE

John Woodgate was awarded the Bachelor of Science (Engineering) degree of London University in 1958. After a background in the consumer products and sound reinforcement sectors of the electronics industry, he became responsible for audio, including radio and loudspeaker, products design and development in a large multinational company. Latterly, he had experience in product management and marketing of audio, high fidelity and video products, and became an independent consultant in 1984. He is a Chartered Engineer, a Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, a Life Fellow of the Audio Engineering Society, an Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Sound and Communications Engineers and a Member of the Institute of Acoustics.

Mr Woodgate has more than 50 years' experience of British and international standards committee work. He was Chairman of British Standards technical committee EPL/100 (dealing with audio, video and multimedia equipment and systems) for very many years and is a member of many other BSI committees, Convener of technical drafting panels, a past Chairman of the Audio Engineering Society British Section, a long-term member of AES Standards Committee and of Sub-committee SC-05. He regularly leads UK delegations to committees of the International Electrotechnical Commission, and has made major contributions to several important international standards. He has been granted the Distinguished Service Certificate of the British Standards Institution and three IEC 1910 Awards  for contributions to standards development. He is General Maintenance Manager and Technical Manager, TA20, of IEC TC100, a member of several international Working Groups on EMC and terminology, also a former member of ITU UK Study Groups, having attended Study Group Plenary meetings as a UK delegate.

Mr Woodgate regularly writes and lectures on several subjects, such as the use and importance of standards, sound reinforcement, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and audio frequency induction loop systems (AFILS). He also writes articles for the technical press, and has contributed to textbooks on such diverse subjects as loudspeakers, video engineering and microphones. Other writings include a series on the design of AFILS, incorporating much original material. He has conducted private research in this area since 1986, in connection with the British Standard Code of Practice BS 7594, now adopted internationally as  IEC TR 63079, on the subject and the maintenance of IEC/EN 60118-4 and IEC 62489-1 and -2. The consultancy designs analogue and logic circuits (using CAD and other computer aids where appropriate), and evaluates the performance of many kinds of electrical, electronic and electroacoustic equipment in accordance with British and international standards and other specifications. Clients are advised on the application of standards to their products and on how to comply with them. Advice, reports and expert opinions are available to consumers, trading standards authorities and manufacturers in cases of evident or alleged infringement of consumer protection legislation. Clients are also advised on the specification and sourcing of electronic equipment and on the evaluation of technical specifications and tenders.



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